this is my life

The world according to Chelsea.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Winter Break!

I just realized that I never did justice to by winter break. I said that it was fun or whatever, but I never gave any specific examples. I feel like a heathen of the blogging world. Actually, is there even a blogging world anymore? My Space, I laugh at you! What a joke you are! Um, where was I going with this? Oh yeah, Break. What I was going to get at was that we got to play in the snow. It was AWESOME! I (hearted) it. No, seriously, it was so much fun. Don't give me that "you're in college" look. Fine, I'll just post the pictures and you can have fun looking at them!

Whoohoo! It's fun in the snow! So fun, in fact, we ran!

Look, Jenni's the snow!

The merry-go-round was fun...and cold...and Brooke looks sick. Good times!

There were more pictures, but my battery is dying. So, until next time...


  • At 7:51 PM, Blogger midnight mama said…

    Kranny wears shorts to play in the snow?

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] said…

    I was sooooo dizzy.

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Chels said…

    Chelsea will not be held responsible for any accusations of inadequate clothing...of all. And yes, Kranny wears shorts to play in the snow (he's a true Northern Minnesotan, or just crazy)

  • At 4:32 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    I want to see more pictures :D That was sooo fun. We should totally do (something like) that again. Cuz I'm pretty sure the snow is melting.

    tootles! :)


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