this is my life

The world according to Chelsea.

Monday, August 22, 2005

All Grown Up

Well, it's finally happened. I am growing up. One day you're running around topless in a diaper, and the next thing you know you're a senior. (sorry, that whole topless comment was a bit edgy; maybe my blog should come with a warning? WARNING: THIS BLOG CONTAINS MATERIAL WHICH MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18.....Oh, wait, then I couldn't go on it. Hmm, I'll just have to tone it down a little). Time sure does fly. (sigh) I remember in like third grade my friends and I decided to make a club. We weren't sure what to call ourselves, so we spent an entire week's worth of recesses trying to come up with a name. Finally, I thought of my bike helmet and how it had "Cool Cat" on it. I presented the name to the rest of the club and, most likely out of being tired of thinking, we adopted the name as our own. Yes, that's correct, I was part of the CCC (the Cool Cat's Club). It's not exactly BSC*, but we tried.

Ah, how I miss the good old days. What ever happened to predicability, the milkman, the paper boy, and evening tv? Something...old familiar faces waiting just around the bend. Everywhere you go...ect. (Just incase anyone was wondering, that was, sort of, the theme song from Full House). My bike used to be my only mode of transportation. Now I can ride my bike, walk, or--my personal favorite--drive. That's too many options for just one person! Looking back on these past (almost)18 years, I start to wonder about what I've done and what it's meant...............(still wondering).................okay, well that was fun. J/K! I guess I see my life and what it's meant by looking at the friends I've made (most of them I've kept), how I've grown (believe it or not, at one time I used to grow), and the future God has given me. It's fun to look at the past and remember all the good times, but it's exciting to picture the future and what lies ahead.

I guess even though I'm growing up and getting older, I can never grow out of my past. I miss it, yes, but eventually, even my future becomes my past. I can't hold on to it no matter how tight my grip is. Although, looking at my past and knowing that my life gets better by the day, I can't wait to be old! It's been fun, but like they say, the best is yet to come.

*Baby Sitter's Club


  • At 6:34 AM, Blogger Jason said…

    Wow..That was a sweet post. Dang that made me think of my past now. Man time flys. Being 18 is going to be weird, I remember my whole life I couldnt wait till I was older so I could drive and do "grown up" things, but now all I want to do is just "TACKLE" people haha Football Rocks.

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Yes, jason, Futboll rocks. lol. Haha, i still got four more years.

    tootles! :)

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger [ brooke ] said…


    I actually caught on where you were going with the Full House theme. Time sure does fly by fast, I wish my childhood could've lasted longer, I miss watching the original All That, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Saved by the Bell, and all those good shows that aren't shown anymore and replaced by stupid crap like THE AMANDA SHOW! Enjoy this last year in Hib-Town while it lasts!

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger jac-atac said…

    Isn't growing up WEIRDNESS? I fully agree. But I would never, ever go backwards. Well, yes I would, if I could go back knowing what I know now. The whole high school would have started coming to the Rev with me. Er, maybe not. But maybe. I guess we just gotta use the time we got in the time of our life we got. I sound like such a hick.

  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger dangeresque dan said…

    HAHA Chelsea's old. . . .

    (* soliloque: If she's old now what does that make me?? The world may never know8)

  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Saved by the bell was the best show ever. haha. Screech!!! (i probably spelt that wrong)

    tootles! :)

  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger JC said…

    Chelsea- enjoy every moment of your senior year. It will be gone before you know it!
    BTW- I liked Full House...Michelle was just to cute and the funny guy always wore a Red Wing jersey.

  • At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not. In either case the idea is quite staggering.
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  • At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Waiting for a great book
    As the fall season approaches, the book world is still searching for this year's great American novel.
    Hey, sweet blog! Thanks for all your hard work!

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  • At 3:36 AM, Blogger Abe said…

    Jason your comment is great!

  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger dangeresque dan said…

    Send Mike Reini the Australian Cheesecake Recipe? I wonder if it is made with Crocodile tails . . .


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