this is my life

The world according to Chelsea.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Aunt Duty Part 1

Because of my recent name change (from "Chelsea" to "Aunt Chelsea"), I have taken on a whole new list of duties. Things like diaper changing and getting puked on are just a couple of examples of these new duties. I am assuming that as time goes by, the amount of hours on aunt duty will increase. That's why this is called "Aunt Duty Part 1."

This weekend was Levi's dedication at Emmanuel Christian Center in Minneapolis. The fam and I headed out at 6:30 Sunday morning. Shawn and Jen had a picnic at their house afterwards, and I got a chance to meet the girl Jen works with. Once the people cleared out, I was put on my first official...(dramatic music)...AUNT DUTY! It was so much fun. I spent Sunday night and Monday at their house. I got to hang out with Levi all day (well, pretty much all day). We played soccer in the backyard and then came inside for sloppy jo's and chips. For desert, we had vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. Levi wanted to check what was on tv, so we watched "Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius." The rest of the afternoon was spent playing cards until 3:30 PM when I had to leave. Levi is such a cool kid!......................Okay, so that's not what happened, but it might when he's older! What really happened was I woke up and fed him. Then he fell asleep on my shoulder (which was cool). Jen had to go to a doctor's appointment (but don't worry, she's okay), so her dad and I stayed and watched Levi. He, Levi, slept the whole time. The only other thing that really happened besides him sleeping, eating, and puking was him wetting himself. I got to change him a couple of times. Man I can't wait to have kids! J/K, yes I can!

Anywho, the first round of aunt duty rocked. I am so excited for the next time which will hopefully be sometime soon!


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